5 Mouthwatering Sourdough Discard Recipes You'll Love

5 Mouthwatering Sourdough Discard Recipes You'll Love

Sourdough discard is a hidden gem in the world of baking, often overlooked but full of potential. Embracing sourdough discard recipes not only reduces waste but also enhances the flavors of your creations. Imagine transforming simple ingredients into mouthwatering delights that surprise your taste buds at every bite. In this blog, get ready to explore five unique recipes that will make you fall in love with your sourdough discard all over again.

What is Sourdough Discard?

Understanding Sourdough Discard

Definition and Origin

Sourdough discard is a baker's secret weapon, a treasure trove of flavor waiting to be unleashed. It is the portion of the sourdough starter that you would typically throw away when feeding your starter, but instead of wasting it, creative bakers have found ways to turn this discard into culinary gold. This "unfed starter" can breathe new life into recipes, adding depth and complexity that regular ingredients can't match.

Why Use Sourdough Discard?

When considering why to use sourdough discard in your recipes, think of it as an opportunity to elevate your baking game. Rather than discarding this valuable ingredient, incorporating it into your dishes can transform ordinary recipes into extraordinary creations. By harnessing the power of sourdough discard, you not only reduce waste but also unlock a world of rich flavors and textures that will surprise and delight your taste buds.

Benefits of Using Sourdough Discard

Reducing Waste

Sourdough discard is what remains after feeding your sourdough starter, often seen as excess or unnecessary. However, viewing it as waste overlooks its true potential. Instead of tossing it aside, consider the environmental impact of reducing food waste by repurposing this ingredient in delectable recipes. Embracing sourdough discard is not just about enhancing flavors; it's also about embracing sustainability in your baking practices.

Enhancing Flavor

Incorporating sourdough discard into your recipes goes beyond just being environmentally conscious—it's about enriching the taste experience. The unique tanginess and depth that sourdough discard brings to dishes can take your culinary creations to new heights. Whether it's adding a subtle zing to pancakes or infusing a rich complexity into chocolate cake, using sourdough discard opens up a world of flavor possibilities that traditional ingredients simply can't match.

Recipe 1: Sourdough Discard Pancakes

Recipe 1: Sourdough Discard Pancakes


Brief overview of the dish

Pancakes are a nostalgic treat that can transport anyone back to their childhood memories. The aroma of pancakes sizzling on the griddle, ready to be topped with butter and maple syrup, is a comforting experience for many. These sourdough discard pancakes offer a unique twist to the classic recipe. They are not just your ordinary pancakes; they are soft, fluffy, and bursting with flavor thanks to the sourdough discard. Whether you prefer a subtle tang or a more pronounced sourdough taste, these pancakes can cater to your preferences.


List of ingredients needed

To create these delightful sourdough discard pancakes, you will need:

  1. All-purpose flour: Provides the base for the pancake batter.
  2. Sourdough discard: Adds depth and complexity to the flavor profile.
  3. Milk: Ensures a creamy and smooth consistency.
  4. Eggs: Bind all the ingredients together for a cohesive batter.
  5. Sugar: Balances out the tanginess of the sourdough discard.
  6. Baking powder: Gives the pancakes their light and airy texture.
  7. Salt: Enhances the overall flavor of the pancakes.
  8. Butter: Adds richness and helps achieve that perfect golden brown color when cooking.


Step-by-step preparation guide

  1. Prepare the Batter:
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the all-purpose flour, sourdough discard, milk, eggs, sugar, baking powder, and salt.
  • Mix everything together until you have a smooth batter with no lumps.
  1. Cooking Process:
  • Heat a non-stick skillet or griddle over medium heat and add a small amount of butter.
  • Pour a ladleful of pancake batter onto the skillet and cook until bubbles form on the surface.
  • Flip the pancake and cook for an additional minute until both sides are golden brown.
  1. Serve Warm:
  • Once cooked, stack your sourdough discard pancakes on a plate.
  • Drizzle with maple syrup or honey and top with fresh berries or sliced bananas for an extra burst of flavor.

Enjoy these delicious sourdough discard pancakes as a special breakfast treat or as a delightful snack any time of day!

Tips and Variations

Enhancing the dish

  • Experiment with different types of flour, such as whole wheat or buckwheat, to add a nutty flavor and extra nutrients to your pancakes.
  • For a fruity twist, try adding mashed bananas or blueberries to the pancake batter for bursts of sweetness in every bite.
  • Elevate the flavor profile by incorporating spices like cinnamon, nutmeg, or cardamom into the batter for a warm and aromatic touch.
  • To enhance the texture of your pancakes, consider mixing in oats or cornmeal for added crunch and depth.
  • For a decadent treat, top your sourdough discard pancakes with a dollop of whipped cream or a drizzle of caramel sauce for an indulgent finish.
  • Get creative with your toppings by experimenting with different fruits, nuts, seeds, or chocolate chips to customize your pancakes to suit your taste preferences.
  • If you prefer savory flavors, try adding grated cheese, cooked bacon bits, or chopped herbs like chives or parsley to create savory sourdough discard pancakes that are perfect for brunch or breakfast-for-dinner occasions.

Recipe 2: Sourdough Discard Crackers


Brief overview of the dish

Imagine a crunchy, flavorful snack that not only satisfies your cravings but also makes use of your sourdough discard in a creative way. These sourdough discard crackers are a delightful treat that combines the tangy essence of sourdough with a satisfying crunch. Whether enjoyed on their own or paired with your favorite dips and spreads, these crackers are sure to become a staple in your snacking repertoire.


List of ingredients needed

To create these irresistible sourdough discard crackers, gather the following ingredients:

  1. Sourdough discard: The star ingredient that infuses the crackers with its unique flavor profile.
  2. All-purpose flour: Provides structure and texture to the crackers.
  3. Butter: Adds richness and helps achieve a crispy finish.
  4. Salt: Enhances the overall taste of the crackers.
  5. Herbs and spices: Optional additions for extra flavor, such as rosemary, thyme, garlic powder, or paprika.


Step-by-step preparation guide

  1. Prepare the Dough:
  • In a mixing bowl, combine the sourdough discard, all-purpose flour, softened butter, salt, and any desired herbs or spices.
  • Mix the ingredients until they come together to form a cohesive dough.
  1. Roll Out the Dough:
  • Preheat your oven to the specified temperature and line a baking sheet with parchment paper.
  • Roll out the dough on a floured surface to your desired thickness; thinner for crispier crackers or thicker for more substantial bites.
  1. Cut Into Shapes:
  • Use cookie cutters or a knife to cut the rolled-out dough into individual cracker shapes.
  • Prick each cracker with a fork to prevent air bubbles from forming during baking.
  1. Bake Until Golden:
  • Place the shaped crackers onto the prepared baking sheet and bake in the preheated oven until they turn golden brown and crisp around the edges.
  1. Cool and Enjoy:
  • Once baked, allow the crackers to cool completely on a wire rack before indulging in their crunchy goodness.

These versatile sourdough discard crackers can be customized with various seasonings and toppings to suit your taste preferences. Whether you prefer them plain, sprinkled with sea salt, or dusted with Parmesan cheese, these homemade crackers are bound to impress with every bite!

Tips and Variations

Enhancing the dish

  • Experiment with Flavors: Incorporate a variety of herbs and spices into your sourdough discard crackers to create unique flavor profiles. From aromatic rosemary to smoky paprika, let your taste buds embark on a flavorful journey with each bite.
  • Customize Your Crunch: Adjust the thickness of your crackers to achieve the perfect level of crunchiness. Whether you prefer thin and crispy or thick and hearty, tailor your baking process to suit your snacking preferences.
  • Pair with Complementary Dips: Elevate your snacking experience by serving your sourdough discard crackers with an array of delicious dips. From creamy hummus to zesty salsa, find the perfect pairing that enhances the flavors of your homemade crackers.
  • Get Creative with Shapes: Have fun cutting out various shapes for your crackers using cookie cutters or a knife. Whether you opt for classic squares or whimsical designs, let your creativity shine through in every batch.
  • Sprinkle Some Seasoning: Before baking, sprinkle a pinch of sea salt, Parmesan cheese, or even a dash of cayenne pepper on top of your crackers for an extra burst of flavor. These simple additions can take your homemade snacks to the next level.
  • Share the Joy: Spread the love for sourdough discard recipes by sharing your homemade crackers with friends and family. Whether as a thoughtful gift or a delightful party snack, let others savor the delicious results of your culinary creations.


Amy: "Love this delicious recipe!! 🥞😋🙌🏻"

This Jess: "The best & easiest discard pizza dough. I make it weekly."

Made in Motherhood: "This is a fantastic cake, very moist and not too rich or too sweet."

Bonnie Jean: "I’ve made these with your recipe before and they were a hit by everyone who tried them."

Milk and Pop: "Thanks for the awesome recipe. Made it 2x now, everyone LOVES it."

Recipe 3: Sourdough Discard Banana Bread


Brief overview of the dish

Sourdough discard banana bread is a delightful twist on the classic favorite. The combination of ripe bananas and tangy sourdough discard creates a moist and flavorful bread that is perfect for any time of day. Whether enjoyed as a quick breakfast on-the-go or as a comforting snack with a cup of tea, this banana bread is sure to become a staple in your baking repertoire.


List of ingredients needed

To prepare this sourdough discard banana bread, gather the following ingredients:

  1. Ripe Bananas: Mashed to add natural sweetness and moisture to the bread.
  2. Sourdough Discard: Provides depth of flavor and a subtle tanginess to the banana bread.
  3. All-Purpose Flour: Forms the base of the bread and gives it structure.
  4. Eggs: Bind all the ingredients together for a cohesive batter.
  5. Brown Sugar: Enhances the sweetness and caramel notes in the banana bread.
  6. Butter: Adds richness and ensures a tender crumb in the final loaf.
  7. Baking Soda: Helps the bread rise during baking.
  8. Cinnamon: Infuses warm, aromatic flavors into the banana bread.


Step-by-step preparation guide

  1. Prepare the Batter:
  • In a mixing bowl, combine mashed ripe bananas, sourdough discard, eggs, brown sugar, and melted butter.
  • Mix until well combined before adding in the dry ingredients.
  1. Mix Dry Ingredients:
  • In a separate bowl, whisk together all-purpose flour, baking soda, cinnamon, and any additional spices you desire.
  • Gradually incorporate the dry ingredients into the wet mixture until just combined; do not overmix.
  1. Bake to Perfection:
  • Preheat your oven to the specified temperature and grease or line a loaf pan with parchment paper.
  • Pour the banana bread batter into the prepared pan and smooth out the top.
  • Bake in the preheated oven until golden brown and a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  1. Cool and Enjoy:
  • Allow the sourdough discard banana bread to cool in the pan for a few minutes before transferring it to a wire rack to cool completely.
  • Slice into thick pieces and savor each bite of this moist, flavorful treat!

Indulge in this sourdough discard banana bread as part of your morning routine or as an afternoon pick-me-up with its irresistible blend of sweet bananas and tangy sourdough notes!

Tips and Variations

Enhancing the dish

  • Experiment with a variety of toppings to create unique flavor combinations that will surprise your taste buds. From classic margherita to adventurous BBQ chicken, the possibilities are endless!
  • Customize your pizza crust by adding herbs and spices directly into the dough. Whether you prefer a hint of garlic, a sprinkle of oregano, or a kick of red pepper flakes, these additions will elevate your homemade pizza to gourmet status.
  • For a crispy crust that holds up well to hearty toppings, pre-bake the dough for a few minutes before adding sauce and toppings. This extra step ensures that each bite is met with a satisfying crunch.
  • Don't be afraid to get creative with your sauce choices. From traditional marinara to creamy white sauce or tangy barbecue, the sauce can make or break your pizza experience.
  • When it comes to cheese, mix and match different varieties for a complex flavor profile. Try combining mozzarella with sharp cheddar, creamy ricotta with salty Parmesan, or smoky gouda with tangy goat cheese.
  • Amp up the veggie factor by loading your pizza with an assortment of colorful vegetables. Bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, olives, and artichokes not only add vibrant hues but also provide a range of textures and flavors.
  • To add a protein punch to your pizza, consider topping it with grilled chicken, spicy pepperoni, savory sausage, or even plant-based alternatives like tofu or tempeh.
  • Finish off your masterpiece with a drizzle of high-quality olive oil or a sprinkle of fresh herbs for that final touch of elegance and flavor.

Personal Experience: "Making Sourdough Discard Pizza Dough is one of my favorite ways to use up sourdough discard. It's delicious and everyone loves a homemade pizza night! Plus the dough only needs just over an hour of rise time so you don't need to get started too early."

Let your creativity run wild in the kitchen as you craft unique pizzas using sourdough discard pizza dough as your canvas!

Recipe 4: Sourdough Discard Pizza Crust


Brief overview of the dish

Imagine a pizza crust that not only serves as a delicious foundation for your favorite toppings but also incorporates the unique tanginess of sourdough discard. This sourdough discard pizza crust is a game-changer in the world of homemade pizzas. It offers a perfect balance of chewiness and crispiness, creating a delightful texture that complements any combination of sauces, cheeses, and toppings you desire. Say goodbye to ordinary pizza nights and welcome a new level of flavor with this innovative crust.


List of ingredients needed

To craft your own flavorful sourdough discard pizza crust, gather these essential ingredients:

  1. Sourdough Discard: The star ingredient that infuses the crust with its distinct tangy flavor.
  2. All-Purpose Flour: Provides structure and texture to the dough, ensuring a perfect base for your pizza.
  3. Yeast: Adds depth to the flavor profile and helps the dough rise for a light and airy crust.
  4. Olive Oil: Enhances the richness of the crust while contributing to its golden-brown color during baking.
  5. Salt: Balances out the flavors and activates the yeast for optimal fermentation.
  6. Sugar: Feeds the yeast, aiding in fermentation and adding a subtle sweetness to the crust.
  7. Water: Binds all the ingredients together to form a cohesive dough that is easy to work with.


Step-by-step preparation guide

  1. Activate the Yeast:
  • In a small bowl, combine warm water, sugar, and yeast. Allow it to sit for about 5-10 minutes until foamy.
  1. Mixing the Dough:
  • In a large mixing bowl, combine all-purpose flour, sourdough discard, olive oil, salt, and activated yeast mixture.
  • Knead the dough until it becomes smooth and elastic, adding more flour if necessary to prevent sticking.
  1. First Rise:
  • Place the dough in a lightly oiled bowl, cover it with plastic wrap or a damp towel, and let it rise in a warm place until doubled in size.
  1. Shaping the Crust:
  • Preheat your oven to achieve optimal baking temperature for your pizza style (e.g., traditional or wood-fired).
  • Roll out the risen dough into your desired pizza shape on parchment paper or directly onto a preheated pizza stone or baking sheet.
  1. Final Touches:
  • Add your favorite sauce, cheese, vegetables, meats, or herbs on top of your sourdough discard pizza crust.
  1. Bake to Perfection:
  • Slide your assembled pizza into the preheated oven and bake until the crust is golden brown and crispy around the edges.
  1. Serve Hot:
  • Once baked to perfection, slice your sourdough discard pizza into wedges or squares and serve hot for an unforgettable dining experience!

Indulge in this flavorful sourdough discard pizza crust that will elevate your homemade pizzas to gourmet status with its unique tangy undertones!

Tips and Variations

Enhancing the dish

  • Experiment with Flavors:
  • Incorporate a variety of herbs and spices into your sourdough discard crackers to create unique flavor profiles. From aromatic rosemary to smoky paprika, let your taste buds embark on a flavorful journey with each bite.
  • Customize Your Crunch:
  • Adjust the thickness of your crackers to achieve the perfect level of crunchiness. Whether you prefer thin and crispy or thick and hearty, tailor your baking process to suit your snacking preferences.
  • Pair with Complementary Dips:
  • Elevate your snacking experience by serving your sourdough discard crackers with an array of delicious dips. From creamy hummus to zesty salsa, find the perfect pairing that enhances the flavors of your homemade crackers.
  • Get Creative with Shapes:
  • Have fun cutting out various shapes for your crackers using cookie cutters or a knife. Whether you opt for classic squares or whimsical designs, let your creativity shine through in every batch.
  • Sprinkle Some Seasoning:
  • Before baking, sprinkle a pinch of sea salt, Parmesan cheese, or even a dash of cayenne pepper on top of your crackers for an extra burst of flavor. These simple additions can take your homemade snacks to the next level.
  • Share the Joy:
  • Spread the love for sourdough discard recipes by sharing your homemade crackers with friends and family. Whether as a thoughtful gift or a delightful party snack, let others savor the delicious results of your culinary creations.

Unknown: "The best & easiest discard pizza dough. I make it weekly."

Unknown: "Thanks for sharing Pauline! I am so happy to hear you enjoyed this recipe!"

Unknown: "So glad you loved this recipe! Thanks for the review."

Recipe 5: Sourdough Discard Chocolate Cake

Recipe 5: Sourdough Discard Chocolate Cake


Brief overview of the dish

Imagine a decadent sourdough discard chocolate cake that combines the richness of chocolate with the subtle tanginess of sourdough discard. This indulgent dessert is a delightful fusion of flavors and textures, creating a moist and flavorful cake that will satisfy your sweet cravings. Whether you're a chocolate lover or looking to explore new baking horizons, this chocolate cake is sure to become a favorite in your recipe collection.


List of ingredients needed

To create this irresistible sourdough discard chocolate cake, gather the following ingredients:

  1. All-purpose flour: Provides structure and texture to the cake batter.
  2. Sourdough discard: Infuses a unique tangy flavor and enhances the complexity of the chocolate.
  3. Cocoa powder: Adds rich chocolatey notes to the cake.
  4. Sugar: Balances out the flavors and sweetness of the dessert.
  5. Butter: Ensures a moist and tender crumb in the final cake.
  6. Eggs: Bind all the ingredients together for a cohesive batter.
  7. Vanilla extract: Enhances the overall flavor profile with its aromatic essence.
  8. Baking soda: Helps the cake rise during baking for a light and fluffy texture.


Step-by-step preparation guide

  1. Prepare the Batter:
  • In a mixing bowl, combine all-purpose flour, cocoa powder, sugar, and baking soda.
  • Add in the sourdough discard, melted butter, eggs, and vanilla extract.
  1. Mix Thoroughly:
  • Stir all the ingredients together until well combined, ensuring there are no lumps in the batter.
  1. Bake to Perfection:
  • Preheat your oven to the specified temperature and grease a round cake pan.
  • Pour the chocolate cake batter into the prepared pan and smooth out the top.
  • Bake in the preheated oven until a toothpick inserted into the center comes out clean.
  1. Cool and Enjoy:
  • Allow the sourdough discard chocolate cake to cool in the pan before transferring it to a serving plate.
  • Slice into generous portions and savor each bite of this delightful dessert!

Indulge in this luscious sourdough discard chocolate cake that marries rich cocoa flavors with tangy sourdough notes for an unforgettable culinary experience!

Tips and Variations

Enhancing the dish

  • Experiment with a variety of toppings to create unique flavor combinations that will surprise your taste buds. From classic margherita to adventurous BBQ chicken, the possibilities are endless!
  • Customize your pizza crust by adding herbs and spices directly into the dough. Whether you prefer a hint of garlic, a sprinkle of oregano, or a kick of red pepper flakes, these additions will elevate your homemade pizza to gourmet status.
  • For a crispy crust that holds up well to hearty toppings, pre-bake the dough for a few minutes before adding sauce and toppings. This extra step ensures that each bite is met with a satisfying crunch.
  • Don't be afraid to get creative with your sauce choices. From traditional marinara to creamy white sauce or tangy barbecue, the sauce can make or break your pizza experience.
  • When it comes to cheese, mix and match different varieties for a complex flavor profile. Try combining mozzarella with sharp cheddar, creamy ricotta with salty Parmesan, or smoky gouda with tangy goat cheese.
  • Amp up the veggie factor by loading your pizza with an assortment of colorful vegetables. Bell peppers, mushrooms, onions, olives, and artichokes not only add vibrant hues but also provide a range of textures and flavors.
  • To add a protein punch to your pizza, consider topping it with grilled chicken, spicy pepperoni, savory sausage, or even plant-based alternatives like tofu or tempeh.
  • Finish off your masterpiece with a drizzle of high-quality olive oil or a sprinkle of fresh herbs for that final touch of elegance and flavor.

Personal Experience:

Amy: "This banana bread is so easy to make and so delicious! The texture and the flavor are extraordinary! The sourdough discard really works its magic with this recipe. Thank you for sharing the recipe!"

Made in Motherhood: "This cake is moist and chocolatey with a slight sourdough tang. A tall glass of milk and a slice of Sourdough Discard Chocolate Cake is what dreams are made of. The perfect way to use up extra sourdough discard."

This Jess: "Making Sourdough Discard Pizza Dough is one of my favorite ways to use up sourdough discard. It's delicious and everyone loves a homemade pizza night! Plus the dough only needs just over an hour of rise time, so you don't need to get started too early to have this quick and easy recipe ready for dinner!"

Recap of the Benefits:

  • Embrace the magic of sourdough discard in your baking adventures, reducing waste while enhancing flavors.
  • Elevate your dishes with tangy notes and rich complexity, transforming ordinary recipes into extraordinary creations.

Encouragement to Try:

  • Dive into the world of sourdough discard recipes and unlock a realm of culinary possibilities.
  • From fluffy pancakes to crispy crackers and decadent chocolate cake, each recipe promises a delightful experience for your taste buds.

Invitation for Sharing:

  • Share your baking journey with us! Try out these recipes and let us know about your delicious creations.
  • Whether you experiment with toppings or add unique twists, we'd love to hear about your experiences and variations.

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